Davis Cup: India-Pakistan Davis Cup match postponed.

Davis Cup: India-Pakistan Davis Cup match postponed

India-Pakistan Davis Cup match averted. The Davis Cup tennis match between India and Pakistan was to be played in Islamabad on September 14-15.

International Tennis Federation
The International Tennis Federation (ITF) postponed India’s Davis Cup tie against Pakistan until November after a security review. 
Davis Cup tennis match between India and Pakistan was to be played in Islamabad on September 14-15.

The ITF said in a statement, “After an in-depth security review of the current situation in Pakistan by independent expert security advisors, the Davis Cup committee will host the Davis Cup Asia / Osiana Group match between India and Pakistan on September 14-15 in Islamabad. Decided to postpone it. “

The statement further said that the committee has come to the conclusion that this is an extraordinary situation and the first priority of the ITF is the safety of players, officials and spectators.

The ITF said that this match will now be held in November and the committee will confirm its dates by September 9.

The ITF said, “The ITF will continue to monitor the situation in Pakistan and the Davis Cup committee will meet again to re-evaluate the security situation regarding the match.”

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