Strength Training for Soccer Players
With the help of Strength Training Exercise, a football player can improve his performance by increasing his strength. But for any football player, stunt training is of no use till the player does not well in the field. That is why it is very important to do training properly.
There is different strength training for every part of the body and organ. Strength training is done according to body parts.
Strength training for every parts of the body are-
Strength training for chest:
For better performance in football, it is important for the whole body to recover, which is also important to chest. For this, use bench press, chest press machine, push app, peck deck machine etc.
Strength training for back:
The waist has tremendous contribution in the whole football match. That’s why seated row machine, back extension, pull down etc are strengthen it.
Strength training for bicepes:
To strengthen bishapes: Bishapes curl, hamler, concentration curl etc.
Strength training for Arms:
To strengthen hands: curl, biceps curl, hamsral, concentration curl.
Trishapes exercise: Trishapes extensions, dips, kickbacks, etc.
Strength training for foot:
Foot plays a very important role in playing football. It gives strength and support to continuously run. To strengthen it, make squat, lounge, leg press machine, deadlifts etc.
Strength training for the stomach:
Regularly do crank, reverse crunch, and tilt etc. in order to get stronger strings to strengthen the stomach and play football.
Launch Exercise:
It is a good exercise for middle thigh and leg muscles.
To do this, the width of the shoulders is raised by opening the legs. And then move the straight leg forward and turn the opposite foot downward so that it touches the ground. Repeat while changing legs.
To do this, the width of the shoulders is raised by opening the legs. And then move the straight leg forward and turn the opposite foot downward so that it touches the ground. Repeat while changing legs.
It is important to train properly:
Like any other exercise, strength training also challenges your heart. Therefore, before starting this, consult your doctor first. It is important to train properly:
Like any other exercise, strength training also challenges your heart. Therefore, before starting this, consult your doctor first. If you do not do properly this exercise then your muscles may be damaged.