Soccer Juggling
For a football player, learning to do juggling, having a good balance and controlling the ball during the game is extremely important. In the beginning it may seem difficult, but continuous effort can lead you to success.
Method 1-Take the ball in your hand and start:
Hold the ball straight up to the height of your chest. Leave the ball and let it jump. As soon as the ball falls down after this bounce then the ball is tossed up by your foot.
Kick the ball with your feet so loudly that the ball reaches the height of the chest. Try to kick with a slightly upper angle.
Keep in mind that you do not tie dual knots in shoes at the beginning. The ball can jump from your shoes to a strange angle. If the knot of the boots is tightened then keep your ankle ‘closed’ so that it remains at the angle.
An unstable ankle gives direction to an unstable kick. Keep your knees slightly folded: doing this will help in getting more control over the ball. Do not bump your knees. With the foot you are not kick, keep that foot firm on the ground.
It is important to maintain balance while awakening the ball. To maintain balance, it is important to knock the knees and keep your eye on the ball.
Try that you can constantly bring the ball in front of your stomach. You do not bow down to get the ball. Now do this also with the second leg.
You increase the number of balls to toss the ball on your feet. Instead of holding the ball every time you hit the ball, when you kick the ball and kick the ball again when the ball comes down.
Try to keep the ball in control. Focus on one leg till the assurance is done, then do it with the other leg.
Kick the ball by changing both legs. Try to keep the ball in control and try to hit the ball directly in the air. Do not hit the ball higher than your waist.
Be prepared to move a lot to juggling both feet by changing. Hold the ball after the kick with both feet and hold it. If you have to change the place then change and leave the ball again. After this, try to kick kick with both feet three times, then try to hit the kick four times and so on.
You will gain mastery in juggling when you will be able to do juggling continuously.
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Method 2- Place the ball above your main foot:
Place the ball above your main foot. Keep your thumb down and let the ball roll over the top. Immediately kick the ball upwards, as if you are going to catch the ball in your hand. Bring yourself in such a situation that you can kick the ball with the other leg. Do this when the ball is coming back down.
Rotate both legs to rotate and continue to juggle. Whenever the ball comes down, kick the ball upside down from the other leg and continue to juggle this way. Hold the leg near the ground with the kick of the foot. Moving the leg more up will lose control over the ball.
Method 3 – Use your knees:
Raise one leg knee in such a way that the knee of the leg is in parallel to the body. Doing this will keep your thigh straight. It is easy to toss the ball in a straightforward place rather than bounce at the uneven place.
When you specialize in ball rolling with your feet then you try to push the ball with your thighs. Throwing ball from your thighs will change your ability to play football. This will further increase the control over your balls.
Method 4 – Stop the ball on your thighs:
Put the ball in the middle of your thigh and bounce it and kneel it. It will definitely go out of reach. The ball is tossed by the thigh in the same way as you bounce with your feet. In the beginning Ball was jumped up by your thigh and caught. Repeat this till you do not control the direction of the ball and the ball does not seem to push the ball upwards. Similarly try the second thighs too.
Turned the ball from both thighs:
Do this until you believe that you can control the ball with both thighs.
Method 5 – Use your thighs and legs together:
Kick the ball with your straight leg and kick off your straight thigh. Similarly, kick your inverted foot and your vomit thigh. When you do this action without dropping down the ball, once you have bowled the ball with your feet and twice your mouth. Repeat this action repeatedly.
Method 6- Using other body parts:
1-Pulled Football from your head:
Pulling the ball with his head and pushing it with his forehead. Make your face up in such a direction that the ball is hurt by the forehead. Loose your neck and keep the knees folded. By kneeling knees you will be in balance. When your attention is on the ball.
You can also use your head, but this will reduce your ball control. So that you can get hurt so avoid doing so.
2-Use your shoulder:
However, it is difficult to bowl the ball from the shoulders because the shoulder is not flat but you can use the shoulder to where the ball wants to reach. The ball from the shoulder will go on the same side where you want to reach it. As if the ball kicks up the ball straight from the foot and then kicks you off the ball, then you can kick the ball with the opposite foot.
You should use only your shoulders and not the upper side. Kicking the ball from any part of the hand is called handball. You try with your head, shoulder and chest.For this, leg-chest-thigh-shoulders-head tossed the ball in this sequence and repeated it again and again. With this you will learn how to use your head and shoulders. When you learn it, try it with a new look. Such as the head-chest-foot-shoulders-thigh.
Soccer Juggling Tips and Tricks-
1-Do not juggle just with the main leg, it is necessary to juggle with both legs. Do not panic Be happy
2-For juggling, the first must be a cooperative shoes.
3-Football should be windy. Beginner player will not be juggling due to excessive air in football. But if you’re a specialist player you will be doing a lot of juggling.
4-If you’re a weak player then check the air in football then juggling.
5-Find the part of your foot where football can bounce comfortably. That did not have to be stressed out and did not have to work much. With this, football stays in your control.
6-Keep in mind that the ball should be between two feet. So that the ball could not move around. This step will come in full. Then take a ball in your hand in the next stage and bounce it in the ground. After this, make a habit of left-right with both legs. Keep your body completely free and juggling.
7-As soon as practicing gradually, juggling will start to happen.